A bee comb look
I really like this look, though is it a tad bit seventies?
As usual once inspired my mind follows a path and did get into some interesting ideas with twists following some inspirations I saw online.
I have a few ideas I saw worth a comment or two.
This one from this site.
She mentioned string, and then I see possibilities of that after I saw this fence here.

I could see doing that between say two wooden vertical beams say like in a loft or a basement.
Now if your a genealogist with a complicated family tangled web, think of it done this way. http://genealogyofoldendorfundnahrendorf.blogspot.com/2008/10/web-creativity-of-ghrde.html
You could get as creative as you want with your materials. I was going to say with ideas with burlap, bleached burlap, canvas, painters cloth, muslin, string, cording in the sewing section, clothes line.
I love the web made of cording because the web idea made from cording ties with my tangle of family webbing idea so well.
Now especially in this Halloween day season I have been frequently thinking about the cording or a heavy string in thickness that can be very visible from a distance strung between two objects whether trees or fencing to well create a visual barrier or fencing.
My all time favorite.
by Tho Guenther
I have used this picture before and I will not do so once more to show you that it has been done. Please just follow the link of an example of others in a forest. If you don't you miss so much of my intentions today.
Okay now lets move away from the cording idea and trail along the idea of burlap. On someones blog, I saw the idea of tassels made from burlap. It was an interesting idea.
Think of again the ragged wrinkled look of tassels again with the idea of strips of thin fabric falling in streamers, flowing loosely or stiffened and weighted?? Because I have seen tassels done with rag strips as well.
Again all these ideas could be done as screens, folding or not.
Some others suggested windows and I like the idea if it was artful. by that I mean arched like window with beveled glass or even antique stained glass. Which of course would strain the budget.
If money was not such a object, I would say artistic substantial statues of some sort, similar maybe group of three or some mounted on pillars.
I know this little post is hasty and choppy. I just had to input some ideas taking off from Emily Henderson's last post on some ideas she was working out for her Design Star show series.
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