Once while I was browsing through books like these, I was surprised to see names of place in England and Germany poping up as Breeders /Hybrid suppliers for people in Churdan, Farnhamville.and other towns. I never seem to run enough of them through a search.
And I have found special advertisements through google search of certain special breeds of dogs, say for hunting or some other aspect they are known to have. Breeders associations, the breeders or sellers have lived in villages I have a special interest about to wade through hyprids and pedigree charts, but well we are used to those, aren't we? . Unless I make an effort to search into these aspects, I won't know. It is time consuming though, to just broadly search the names of your towns. Should I call it fun?
I have looked newspapers sources over for ancestors name not nearly enough, often useing quotes or phrases, but next time I am going to remember that articles have been written in the past about the farms and livestock of our farming ancestors. I see too, that they don't have to live in rural areas.
 | United Lutheran Church in America - 1899 - Full viewRichter, Prof F Clinton, Iowa. Richter, FL, Fargo, Cass co. N Dak. Richter, HR, Denham, Pulaski co, Ind. Richter, Otto C, Evansville. III. Richter, Otto E, Melrose, Minn. Richter, Wni, Appleton City, Mo. Rickels, Farnhamville, Iowa. ... |
 | 1911 - Full viewResidence Perry, nativity Iowa. Enlisted April 30, 1898, as Second Corporal. Mustered May 25, 1898. Mustered out Oct. 30, 1898, Des Moines, Iowa. McVay, Charles. Age 28. Residence Farnhamville. Enlisted July 2, 1898. ...
| books.google.com |
No cover image | Iowa. Secretary of State - 1892 - Full view... in Twin Lakes 133 516 90 555 271 Gar fleld township lg) 482 593 233 602 697 488 208 1478 940 822 377 544 144 Reading township, including Farnhamville town 807 137 197 Twin Lakes township, including part of Roc |
 | Jean Choate - 2002 - 232 pages - PreviewIn June of 1935 the National Union Farmer carried an article on JH Saucke of Farnhamville, Iowa, who said he killed 42 pigs so that he could be in compliance with his corn-hog contract. The article, accompanied by a picture of the dea |
 | 1951 - Snippet viewDomsch, John T., Box 166, Farnhamville, Iowa. Donahue, Wm. F., 12 Du Bols Ave., Valley Stream, LI, NT Dora, Harold, B. S„ BA, R. 2, Box 6962, Redding, Calif. Dorn, Herbert P., 341 Beulah St., SE, Grand Rapids 7, Mich. ... |
 | William H. Stennett - 1908 - 201 pages - Full viewFarnhamville, Calhoun County, Iowa. Little Lake, Marquette County, Michigan. Fennimore, Grant County, Wisconsin. Hetland, Kingsbury County, South Dakota. Lak |
| Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod - 1932 - Snippet view... in St. Peter's Congregation, Farnhamville, Iowa, by AO Bleeke. — . ... NN, Iowa, Varions Missions, 8.00. NN, Michigan, Home Missions, 25.00. Rev. C. Eiss- feldt, Memorial Wreath for AG Brauer, Home Missions, 3.00. Per Dr. F. Brand, ... |
 | Jean B. Grube - 1979 - 708 pages - Snippet viewOn 24 December l884, in Dallas County, Iowa, he married Rosetta Evans, born l4 December l865, Henry County, Indiana; ... Farnhamville, Iowa; died l0 April l973, Fairmont, Minnesota. On 29 June l929, at Brownsdale, Minnesota, ... |
And of course at the same time there are books bearing the names of your town other various subjects including churches and local events; Business reports; railroad reports; Associations such as Medical Associations; Insurances; Stock holders; science; Geology; Farmers co operations, farmer directories; electrical power associations; Commissioners Inventions; communication services; Libraries, Post offices Clubs; munincipal aspects; agencies; societies; Commercial and finances; Industrial; Conventions; Military; government; aspects of transportation, commerce; atlases and maps; Funeral Homes; construction; Travel, commerce; weather; state fairs; Census; unions; hunting trapping; patents; Pilgrims of Iowa; Music; homeopathic; heritage books; books of biographical nature; education aspects; bar or law associations; Historical books of other areas with one person from your village; perhaps something in the line of Agriculture - horticulture or Feed, grain or Seed. I have notice some local books are being copied. More on that at another time.
Did I leave anything out?
Good luck with your many searches.
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