Friday, November 6, 2009
Blog post removed ....Schlaphof, Schlaphoff and Mr(s) Anonymous ............................
Friday, October 30, 2009
My Confession of My Guilty Love Secret
Yes, my love is the facebook's very popular game
....................... Farmville

Dunn county Health Care Center - Are We Ready to eat? Not quite.
~~~~Working in the Serveries ~~

~~Serving the Retirement home Residents Resaurant style. ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~No more tray line!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
DIning and the Serving area - A sneak peak. Sssshhhh
I know it comes off as unfinished and maybe a little blah, but that is what it was -- unfinished.

Okay that's it. That's all you get for our first sneak view of the remodel.
Maybe more later, If I get the chance. [smile].
Gosh! Now, I have this sudden craving for pizza.

I managed to take a few photos this summer.
You can see that I have been working on the shovel
with my blog name
A rootdigger.blogspot.
Also I am working on
my shovel with the words. Lets dig.
Should it read Let's dig.
This one is fine for Oldendorf/ Nahrendorf.blogspot.
Now I am debating which photo I should use and what
amount of cropping I still need to do.
Do I need all of the shovel?. Should it be narrower?
Should I black out the background?. Or white it out?
Oh no. I just thought about the two different famiies of blue. The aqua on the shovel and the baby blue background at the arootdigger.blogspot. It may not be the greatest looking difference. Perhaps I need to change it. The best place to do that may be where it came from in my Kodak account. I plan to use it next to brown background on arootdiggertoo.blogspot. It may fit in just fine there. Also it would be fine here at sunnyside.
I could take a few more photos at a different time of day next to the lavender / magenta phlox in bloom. The leaves are not that lovely on the plant, so I am not sure if that is what I need.
What do you think?
Which do you like the best?
a rootdigger
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Rainbows means Hope
rainbow to remind us of his presence, lest we forget in our
personal darkness His great and gracious
promises to never leave us alone
- Verdell Davis
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New posts may be a little slower at Sunnyside
You know how one can just get themselves out of order for various reasons. Then something happens to take them to a new place. It makes them step back and look at the path that they have been following all this time. It makes them question whether they should keep going along that same path or blaze through to another route.
I am not thinking about quitting blogging, but at the moment it won't be as often as it has been at this site.
I have some genealogy work to publish. Even that for a short amount of time won't be as much or often as I might want.
I am not planning on going away from blogging at all, cause I do really enjoy it.
I just really have to accomplish some other things with the family and around the house. I hope to be able to pick up a few more hours at work. In order to do that I may need to learn a few new parts of other positions so I can fill in with out their discomfort in my doing so. I feel like I have been neglecting what is important to me in my daily life. Perhaps I have been a bit selfish in my pursuits of self expression. I can resolve that, of course!
So with that said I know you will understand why I am not posting so many new posts.
It's kind of like my garden at the moment.
So many of my flowers have finished blooming. The roses are blooming soon to be finished. Just as the clematis, and Irises and my bushes have finished. The garden is few in blooms at this time. It maybe more time lapsing before the next ones show themselves. Kind of like my posting for a bit.
It's time to harvest some vegetables from the garden. And spend a little time cooking with them. Projects to attend to as well.
I suppose some of it will draw me here now and then.
I surely will have lots of ideas in my head that I'd like to share here as time goes on. My camera will be handy and taking pictures too.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rose Chafer season is here. They're back.
Any way, they are not good for birds. The little bugs have something in them that is poison to birds. They will be around for three weeks or so.
The plans of action are:
- trying to control the grubs in your sandy soil where they lay their eggs many times. But know that they can fly in from anywhere.
- cover your roses or peonies, daisies and other flowers with a cloth like cheese cloth.
- pick the bugs off or shake them into dish soap water, gas.
- vacuum them off your plants, if the flower can withstand the suction.
Here is more information at the Jerry Baker site.
I read that the bugs are attracted to fragrant roses, peonies, and some others. If deprived of flower they will sit on any plant with mates immediately and reproduce. I know daisies do not have that scent like the other flowers but they seem to prefer those, as well as raspberries and mo. Primroses.
I know it is enough of a hassle for many Gardner's to give up on roses. You can't escape them. They come back. Seven's dust is good too, I read.
Good luck. Now you know I will be busy in battle for the next few weeks..
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Russian Lilacs in the neighborhood
A day in the life of Ramona - A morning in the life of Jo in the garden

Good morning, come on in I am home. I kind of want to relate and share this little story today.

As I passed the Clematis a tiny bird flew out as I walked over to chuck out the extra water out of my seeds.

I pulled a couple of weeds noting they pulled hard. I made a mental note to amend the soil, when I have a chance. At a close distance, I noticed a new hot pink bloom of the toad lily which was surrounded in weeds. I made another mental note to weed there soon. I really was anxious to see how everything was doing with all the rain we had. So, I particularly wanted to see the climbing peas. They were doing fantastic. And as I walked along at the exterior of the garden I did see the dames rockets at the edge accompanied by the yarrow nearly ready to show it's inner beauty. . .I glanced over at my 'make do' temporary spot for more peas and they were fine.

Serendipity In The Garden On A Thursday Afternoon
~ the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate,
especially while looking for something else entirely ~
Guess what I discovered while weeding in our yard today...weeding wasn't the boring chore I thought it would be...instead I felt completely grateful for a garden full of goodies. I guess you could say ~ I had a serendipitous afternoon in the garden...cha"
Well thanks for stopping by and do come again.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Where should I plant or Place this Pink Potted Petunia.
At our cottage yesterday, I received a couple gifts for our Wedding anniversary.

It has taken him many years to understand that Pink is wonderful and works with me. Red not so much. You know how they are brainwashed that they're suppose to give red roses to a woman.
I have only one little problem with these flowers... is where do I put my potted pink petunia. What place is the perfect spot. Everything needs a perfect spot. I seem to be having such problems making decisions about my garden spots these days.
So yesterday, I went around here and there amongst the borders to find the most perfect spot.
This one came to mind, cause it was so enhanced with the coral pink flowers in that pot. [Which I really must pot up today, if I can.] The pink colors are very different. I really do like the snow in the summer [cerastium tomentosum] near it. After I feed it maybe manure tea, it should fill out much more. I could remove the other Pink flower too, to see if that makes a difference worse or better. but I think this is the best spot for a potted coral Pink Begonia.
Note: Most of these pics are clickable for enlargement.

Amongst the rockery which is more rustic natural looking, I am not sure about a potted Petunia. Though the color enhances quite a bit. It helps balance the tree. The color should be in threes, I think?
Speaking of french and unnatural looking, my little boy fountain that you have seen in front of the house goes up at the top of the rock garden by the door in the fore front of the Indgo tree.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It's about time to share pictures of the front of the house.

The bird says....
"Good grief ! Get that bath together already, I need a bath!"

As you see in the old 1940's built cape cod there is the a border on the left side and the right side border. Most of the annuals in pots were gifts this year for birthday and mothers day. Painting on some of the house was done last year in the fall. Perhaps again this year. The walk was suppose to continue left to right all the way and then a little path around the south side of the house.

Remind me to scatter more pink like that at the left side of this photo to more of this little area. Actually the hidden creeping phlox is suppose to repeat that color from left to right. So now what. I thought the Iceberg rose had hints of pink.

It is suppose to be a mixture of many Hostas on right and left side. I am going to have to make my creeping phlox more visible. where marked by x in photo above. I believe I will have to remove some more plants to give my creeping hosta room. Sometimes I wonder how Snow in the Summer plant would do over here. Perhaps it would be washed out by Bishop weed. Or Gout Weed.
I am open for suggestions on any of these garden beds!