Good morning, come on in I am home. I kind of want to relate and share this little story today.
A couple of days ago something like a memorable serendipity moment happened as I took my walk around the property to see what I could: about what was blooming, for changes of growth, for new emerging seeds, make mental notes for what I need to see about.

As I passed the Clematis a tiny bird flew out as I walked over to chuck out the extra water out of my seeds.
Then I walked down to the rock garden area. I noted that the peony had opened up in the rock garden and the others were still in bud.

I pulled a couple of weeds noting they pulled hard. I made a mental note to amend the soil, when I have a chance. At a close distance, I noticed a new hot pink bloom of the toad lily which was surrounded in weeds. I made another mental note to weed there soon. I really was anxious to see how everything was doing with all the rain we had. So, I particularly wanted to see the climbing peas. They were doing fantastic. And as I walked along at the exterior of the garden I did see the dames rockets at the edge accompanied by the yarrow nearly ready to show it's inner beauty. . .I glanced over at my 'make do' temporary spot for more peas and they were fine.
I again inspected the leaves of a unknown vine. I went back out the way I went in and continued down to the Rosemary Verey wannabe spot. On the way I noticed a white iris bloom just below the Indigofera. I really thought that this is a good Sunny spot for the Irises. As long as weeds don't creep in too much from the lawn. And then at the Rosemary Verey wannabe spot I right away checked to see if the cucumbers had emerged at all. Not yet. But surely it will be soon.
My eyes took in the new plants in the corner, and stooped down to pick a fresh crop of lettuce. Oh, a good handful of the more mature larger pieces. As I came back up and turned; I then took in the neighbor's children's voices and actions.

I proceeded down to the plants in pots, which I had done up for a fund raiser. There I particularly took note of and my little patches of moss growth. Sure they were doing fine.
I meandered to the weedy patch of the Siberian Iris.

I pulled a couple of weeds noting they pulled hard. I made a mental note to amend the soil, when I have a chance. At a close distance, I noticed a new hot pink bloom of the toad lily which was surrounded in weeds. I made another mental note to weed there soon. I really was anxious to see how everything was doing with all the rain we had. So, I particularly wanted to see the climbing peas. They were doing fantastic. And as I walked along at the exterior of the garden I did see the dames rockets at the edge accompanied by the yarrow nearly ready to show it's inner beauty. . .I glanced over at my 'make do' temporary spot for more peas and they were fine.

It is amazing to me how tiny these two tots seem to me these days in comparison to my own. Were they ever that tiny at age two something or three. They were small mind you, but these seem so tiny in frame. Anywaaay, they were peering down this little chicken wire hand made cage to the foot tall tree below. I don't remember exactly, if I noted exactly what they said. But it was as if they themselves were making sure it was okay, checking to see if it had grown, voicing opinions making judgements on it's growth. The father standing there asked clearly and loudly if everything was okay? They made comments that seemed to say it was fine and off they ran to play and spend the rest of the morning in their usual way.
I was thinking then of how positively wise and thoughtful those parents were to involve the children in that planting of the little tree. I have not yet glanced fully enough to see what it could be. My best guess with out even looking is that it is a lilac bush sucker from their tree. i say that because they loved picking the flowers earlier, when their bigger bush had been in bloom. Or it could be an apple or one of the other trees which has been declining. Mostly I was thinking about those possible future Gardeners in the walk back, so much so that I failed to check or note anything else on my way back to the house.

I was musing over the Irony or humor in the similarity of those youngsters and myself. We each had checked our little gardens. Theirs very tiny as themselves, but all the same procedure and interest as myself. And I knew I was also going in to spend my morning as I usually did maybe in play on the computer, and attending to normal tasks about the house and the rest of the day. Just as they did. I felt contentment in that little pleasure of the discovery.
And then today I was reminded of today's featured blog I had discovered a few days back. I had intended to share this and why not the two together. I really love it when things match up!. Her words here seem to reflect my thoughts about my feelings of Serendipity that day.
So now you can go off and check out the rest of her blog. Thanks for stopping by.
A Day in the Life of Ramona: "Thursday, May 21, 2009
Serendipity In The Garden On A Thursday Afternoon
~ the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate,
especially while looking for something else entirely ~
Guess what I discovered while weeding in our yard today...weeding wasn't the boring chore I thought it would be...instead I felt completely grateful for a garden full of goodies. I guess you could say ~ I had a serendipitous afternoon in the garden...cha"
Well thanks for stopping by and do come again.
Serendipity In The Garden On A Thursday Afternoon
~ the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate,
especially while looking for something else entirely ~
Guess what I discovered while weeding in our yard today...weeding wasn't the boring chore I thought it would be...instead I felt completely grateful for a garden full of goodies. I guess you could say ~ I had a serendipitous afternoon in the garden...cha"
Well thanks for stopping by and do come again.
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