Click on my pics today to see some of last years garden tour - I don't get a chance to share them often enough
And later I will tell you just what kind of Flower Beds I will see this Saturday on the annual Garden tour that I just might share here?
I have been very excited about going to the annual garden tour this weekend. The money is money used for the local food pantry, so it's for a good cause as well as our enjoyment. I went last year and after that, I have posted a few pictures. I took many, and the little I have shown are merely a snow flake in a blizzard.
I have kept my pictures on the camera disk despite the little room I had remaining for this summer pictures of my own garden.
With the tour coming up,I have been worrying these last few days about lack of space on my card in my digital camera. I am going to have to hurry and figure out what I am going to do. I want to protect some of them. A few years ago my computer burned out, and I had no opportunity to save my pictures off the hard drive. So I was thinking of finding a program of some sort something like photo like photo bucket. Or even entering them all into Picasa where all those from our blogs are stored. But no matter, it's not your problem. I'll figure it out.
As I was glancing through the different garden photos the topic for this blog post came to me. The types of the various gardens seemed be running similar.
Last year there seemed to be a lot of gardens with raised planted spaces.
As you see here in her back yard it's raised due to a buried waste system. Their garden disguises it well. Her little hill curves around nearly half the back yard.

It's so much easier to see the detail. I wonder if the deer can reach them. Would they jump up there to reach them, probably not.

Another clever gardner made good use of space. What I like about this plan besides the arrangement of plants on the slope; is the fact that the door gives an exit under that Deck.

Well that was last year and it did include some pretty Hostas and falls and ponds.

Now this year I get to anticipate some thing other than raised beds. Okay flat ground, well not in Wisconsin. Not all through the garden. This year there will be some sunken garden spots and ponds and water falls and lots of Rockery.

And Hostas galore, one can never have too many Hostas.

More tips,tricks and ideas are always nice. I am glad I saw this picture from last year, it reminds me to make some wire cages for my phlox.

So now, I had better leave you and get some disk clearing done. As well as a few other things, if I am going to be off playing garden lady Saturday.
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