Lets start with the south west most corner of our very narrow lot.
Have a seat in the shade. Only problem with that is that the seat faces away to someone elses view and the bench doesn't belong to me! I applaud the selection of the bench. [ And that volunteer Maple so has to go.]
Johnson Blue hardy geranium here looks blue, though it is actully purple. It is pretty purple flowering plant, which I have other areas for it's use, also. But at one time I did want to use blue here.
Note: The flowers. Johnson Blue - Hardy Geranium. Lavender - Creeping Phlox. Bleeding Heart.Several types of Hosta. Cesar's brother - Siberian Iris. Purple - Clematis. Pale Pink - Phlox. Sweet Woodruf. Lily of the Valley. False Solomon Seal. Pee Gee -Hydrangea. Bridal Wreath. Silver foliage - weeds [lol]. wild purple violets. Bracken Ferns, Christmas Ferns. Lavender and white Russian Lilacs. Old cemetery orange lilies. [alis chalmer tractor orange]. Chives.
I think the bush needs a better trim. And Perhaps some plants are a little close.
This photo has the hint of the tree that will be in the upcoming photos. I was told that this is an Indigo tree, which I was told takes part shade. But it seems that it can take bright light and loves to go to the light on their own, if put in an shaded area.
The best part of this time period is the Indigo bush blooms. I am so proud the little trees are full and beautiful. They really have outdone themselves to take over from the shine of the lilacs now dulling.
Our property is a narrow double lot. The eastern most section was a result I guess of what at one time was a alley through the block. It has always been a garden area as long as I have been there. Which is nearly thirty years. Before my attempts it was an open garden area, now it partly wooded. Which I hope to change in order to return some of the areas to sunlight for vegetable growing.
In the two photos below you see the Indigo trees which are mostly on the west and south side of that extra garden lot.
Lastest post of photos of handmade woods now continued here.
Remember the last two weeks, I have been showing you the connection area between my side and my neighbors side. I mentioned the fern area and the Dead nettle plant. I said that you couldn't see the Dames rockets or Hesperis Matronalis which were still growing. Well now you can see for yourself that they have bloomed. If we look the more westernly of the north west view we don't see the wood duck house but the ferns and Dames rocket. Our last weeks photos showed the lilac trees off to the left in bloom.
You gotta love the Dames rockets. I have them everywhere. The problem with them is they are typical dames, they go where they please for show. These migrated to the neighbors side of the woods. They are less on my side now. I suspect it is because of the Dead Nettle and the Ferns.
It's such a shame that it is really hard to photograph lavender flowers. Below is photo of a view from my south side looking North into the neighbors woods area.
I just love my Dames rockets in bloom. Out of bloom not so much. I just wish I knew why they went over to my neighbors. Maybe my ferns and Dead nettle pushed them out? Maybe the direction of the wind? Or it is slightly down hill from mine?.

I wish I knew how to get a good photograph of these flowers. I had to darken most of these. I don't know how to shut off the flash. That might help. Or maybe pick another time of day. I always seem to be out at noon or slightly after noon.

Okay, enough now of those views. Lets move on.
Well you have seen my hand made woods as it is. I suspect the next time you see it may have changed. I haven't done any of my trimming yet. I have a few trees that I want to take out. All of which will influence the amount of shade involved. I think nearly all the plants will manage just fine.
As for the house yard, there are still a few more changes coming as summer arrives. I hope to record it all. If your interested at all, please check back for that.