Top of the morning to thee. tis a tall Irish tale likely to be told on tis fine of a day.
I don't think me tale involves pots of gold, though thou may think thou see them.
Even though it's happening seems somewhat mystical and magical there ar no fairies or blarney stones. I don't know if I should even tell thou may simply disregard it as a yarn of blarney. Tis true to me heart.
It happened long ago, so many hours ago as Me, Jenni Aloegist sat reading thee ol' Meyer heritage book so intent in me search. . While, Outside, dark it was with the snow coming down to the ground already piled high with snow. I made meself snug in me nook with a cuppa tea and a cholcolate biscuit or two. I had on her thinking cap, me family can tell you, I always wears it when I am doing me work. I stretched out as I read and read so many pages. Intent I was to find thee Katharina Margarethea Elisabeth hiding place. I wanted to find her and bring her into the light and place her in her proper place on the old family heritage book , so cherished by me family line of people who once lived in the old country at the time of kaisers
and kings..
Aye, If I knew if me dear Pap had lived to see this day he would be so proud to know that Twas me who had filled many a page in thee ancient green book under the old names, solving the ancient family mystery tales in the dark of the evening. Ttis true me had wished to meself, so many times, that if me had asked me dear Dad those details twas what he probably knew and kept to himself deep in his heart. He didn't write it down, probably sure in himself's mind that we didn't care to know. And of course me sadness rose again in me heart, as It came to meself, how I had disappointed him by showin a lack of interest. But I know'd I'd find her!.It was in me Dream. Me would keep at it. Checkin and recheckin.pages after page. I'll do it for meself and me old deceased Dad's Dream of family knowledge.
May his soul rest in peace.
Me went back and forth all night till crack of dawn travelin in page and in me mind visualizing to where she twas most likelyto have traveled. In Illinois with city directories lists of Joliet. States of Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska. I ambled past the plains, mountains and rivers, but never beyond the sea. Maybe by his kin folk, maybe not.
I furiously wrote down at me ol weblog what I had seen and where me had been in wanderin an galvantin from city lists to city lists in me search for me mysterious greatest aunt. I searched for hours and retraced the steps I had other times used. For all me seekin I couldn't find her.
I had to record what steps myself had taken and wrote not getting up to eat or get another chocolate biscuit or more tea. Me was achen and tired, but happy with what twas written so others could read of where me had been and what me twas planen on doin next.. Retracing meself steps, examinin as I tried to write me sentences the Alder bug had walked across me pages while readin.. SWOOSHED HIM me did AWAY, Tis then he came agin. Twas he that landin on me arm and I twished him away. "Get away with yah " me said.
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The Luck of the Irish |
By this time I an old granny like can be a little crabby, sore, a little weary, and little disappointed that me dreams efforts seemed to be for nottin. Others might call it despair. Ttwas Tryin so hard and workin so many nights to cracks of dawn, hours with me hurtin in me joints. Nottin stopping Thee little Alder bug was comin back over and over as he had so many time. before. Never givin up. His wish was to just to crawl over me work and up my arms on to my fingers knuckles and lookin at me as me had written down me thoughts. . Exhausted me was of him and the pages not gettin me what I wanted. Not inspired by it's tenacity in accomplishing himself's end. I said
"Aye Little bug , here thou ar sittin on my hand. Isn't there somewhere else thou should be, shouldnt you be gettin there?. If thou have something else to do shouldn't thou be be a doin it. Now I don want to see thou come around again!. Off thee should be. .Get otta here, now.. Done.. Vamoose."
And flyin he went.
Huntin and gettin my readin stuff and me weblog notes. I said out loud in me little world to hear cause I was not alone in me room, mind thee.
" Could Elizabeth Stille be me gal, but she got born in 1823. She don't belong to meself".
Out of the corner of me eyes I saw the Alder brown bug with red coloring approaching the center of me arm slowly gettin to me.face again and he stopped at me hand looked at me in the eyes,. His antennae moving slowly. We'd be weary cause he twas stubborn!..
" Could Elizabeth Stille be me gal, but she got born in 1823. She don't belong to meself".
Out of the corner of me eyes I saw the Alder brown bug with red coloring approaching the center of me arm slowly gettin to me.face again and he stopped at me hand looked at me in the eyes,. His antennae moving slowly. We'd be weary cause he twas stubborn!..
Continuin on me scolding meself and me examinen the pages before me.wishin wish I could find her for meself.
"Why do they keep pestering me with Mecklenburg locations in me way." "Arggg."
And up thee Alder little bug went on to me fingers to the reading material and stopped, looking at me almost in the eyes, moving his antennae in my direction and at the reading material..
Okay I know'd as he looked into me eyes in me face and he twas a twiddlen his tentacles as he was sayen and tellin me to
"leave him be. Please wouldn't thee spare me. I have family members destined; all wantin to be descendants too".
Didn't me know it all too well tis his ancestors rarely happened in his little world. I felt sad for him As I decided to let him be. Twas his little head a noddin at me and his little twitchin of fear seemed to less for himself. And somehow me kindness and goodness had maybe grown and gave me and himself peace.
"leave him be. Please wouldn't thee spare me. I have family members destined; all wantin to be descendants too".
Didn't me know it all too well tis his ancestors rarely happened in his little world. I felt sad for him As I decided to let him be. Twas his little head a noddin at me and his little twitchin of fear seemed to less for himself. And somehow me kindness and goodness had maybe grown and gave me and himself peace.
"Dog gone it's that Mecklenburg ludwiglust again, Tis the Schwerin Mecklenburg census Now I will be getting past that". Oh, Thou moved, Lets see what tis it-- Margrete Stille born 2.2.1842 Tis her birthday Eichdorf!!.
Me Gettin so excited, so I said out loud cause thou and I know I wasn't alone.
" How many Eichdorfs tis there now. Tis better to remember to look little detail like that later. Me might as well see it. since Tis Eichdorf needs a looksee being the same Birthday and all.. Oh me golly, Alder, tis true tis her me Katharina Margarethea Eliabeth born at Eichdorf. living in Mecklenburg Ludwigslust or in the very Schwerin territory me been blastin hatin so long a time!"
"Why thou Alder bug thou work thee magic, my Dream wish has been granted". .
And he nodded again at me. an he knew he granted me one wish for savin his descendants pappa. Grateful, and happy me thought again of me Dad and thinkin to meself how happy he would be to see one of his ancient ancestors sister had been found and placed by meself Gennie Alogist, in the ol green family book just as I told yeh..
And that's no blarney tis me story of so many hours ago on that snowy dark night goin into the crack of dawn..
I'm just havebeen say'n don't get mad at something, cause thou never know how it could make thee so happy.
Perhaps the Alder family later had a family reunion picnic. Me thinks me saw meself in thee Alder Heaald Newspaper.

~ ~ Needs a little editing ~~
I have no clue why I attempted to write in Irish when the family is obviously German.!!
Sources : :
Graphic fairy
Vintage Moth
Magic Moonlight Free images