Is it clear, diffused, blurry, not as intended. Could it use some definitions or explanations.
~~ I think so ~~
Home and Family, and some favorite activities.
There is no Privacy if you live in town. There is nothing to stop a stranger from coming to my door and banging on it like some where there is a fire or an emergency. Unless I posted a sign that says no solicitors allowed; [I am not sure if my unwanted or wanted guest was a solicitor.] or keep an angry dog running around the front lawn; they have a right to knock on my door and try to say their piece. But do they have the right to enter my house and go to the second entrance door.
Sorry folks no answer means in grouches words "Go away! That Welcome on the mat is not meant for
you".Not on my day off, when I escape from people and the world to my little world in my house or my garden. When I am involved with what I want to be, how ever messy I happen to be, as I want to be, where I want to be, I will not go to the door, I will know who it is and decide. Leave your card or a message after your knock and be on your way. It's my door not yours,
The same goes for phone calls about buying something, or the elections. Leave your twenty messages and forget me. If I want more information, I have the means to know how to call back, look you up and find out for myself. Please leave me to my foolishly imagined privacy.If however, that is not good enough for you, then by all means suffer the consequence. I did not ask for you to come to my door or dial my number , because you mistakenly believe this is a good neighbor hood to hit for donations or answers to your violating questions.
She said "Who are you going to vote for?". She was violating my American right and I got my dander up. I could have said it's not your business, I just said disgusted unfriendly like, "I didn't know and probably wouldn't at all." Since I knew it would tick her off for sure. Perhaps a few more words about not having time for this. And away she hurried leaving me a phamphlet and crossing my name off of some list?
Well lady, if you knew me from the AFC. union, you should have identified it. Yes, I would love to know more about who to vote for, but not standing by my doorway in my very messy porch , where I had just layed the garbage bag prior.