I love May, I love days in May, how about you?
The sunshine has really perked me up, I have gotten a little more ambition.
How about you. what has the sunshine done for you. [Or is it the lack of snow?]

I am expecting May to be a great Month, like I do every year. Since May third is considered arootdigger's birthay,

I plan on spending some time finding my umbrella.
Just for something Extra, I am going to do a little research on orchids or lady slippers in this next week. I had seen something online a few years back about a place by the Mississippi river. I always think of that arboretum place in Northern Minnesota where they grow wild plants that I would love to see at this time of year.
When I get back we need to celebrate my sons birthday, he suggested a cookout, but I think Not. I wish I could with all my heart give him his birthday wish this year, but it won't be this year.
I should plant more than hops now too.I hope too, to get my lettuce and beets and pole peas. planted. WE have had such an early spring, I am not sure if I should plant my pole beans. I have to hunt up my seeds. I should have put the roses I saved back in the ground already. I will see how they have done in that abandoned state in the porch. I hate to find out.
To top it off the plant stores have been open already, and I haven't even stopped. It sure sounds like a good reason to go on the north side, to me.
Plus, I really must get to my Office hoard piles and get a little more done. I also need to buy some paint for a couple of projects.
Now you see why I love May. The sunshine has really perked me up, how about you. what has the sunshine done for you. [Or is it the lack of snow?]