Barn Quilt Memories: Farnhamville, IowaAn interesting thing these days are the recording of quilt patterns. By recording I mean, a meaningful quilt pattern is painted and mounted to the barn. It means more than it seems. It is art. I plan to view my link on Barn quilts often.
Thinking of quilting brings me thoughts of my mother. My mother needed a creative release that she found with quilting.
I think every woman has some kind of
creative outlet that releases tension and drugery of our roles in life. I think my mother had a simple kind of scrapbooking outlet as young woman in northern Minnesota. Nothing at all like it is done today. She took on a different hobby after marriage. She started sewing more than she did as a girl among four sisters. As a young married woman, she took pride in her altered clothing for her youngsters. Later as a married woman, she progressed from sewing for her children to quilting. It was a winter pastime for her and her husband. He helped to cut the pieces for her. The reward was great.
Normally, as a youngster, I did not understand the outlet of her energy. Now married and mature, I do. Entirely. I am not a quilter myself, but love all she did. I did get a few quilts from her for myself. It helps to get married!
And the art release along with her understanding of design flowed into her garden. Once she tried to explain to me the art of lights and darks, and it fell on uncaring ears at that time. I also acquired a few plants from her garden. In my memory is her garden. There were some special ones that I clearly remember. Now as a gardner, I appreciate the dark and light placement of my plants in my designs. The garden where she explained the light and dark placements became my favorite. I tried to recreate those myself. There is plain and the texture aspect, as well. Small flower or big flower placement.
I didn't do so well with quilting. I might some day? My crooked squares didn't develope the proper passion for the art. I understand the passion of a project. Besides gardening projects passions. So now I think, I understand hers.
I think her Crazy quilt was one of my mothers big passions and goals in her quilting plans. She saved pieces. She triumphed, when she acquired a satin or silk piece of material. She put her own touches on them with her stitches. She gave the others away, but these she kept. Someday I will photograph those she made.

Crazy Quilts in America
Then and Now
Now, you can see why I have attached myself to this blog of Quilting. It brings me sentimental thoughts. I for one will enjoy checking into a
quilters muse time and time again. Click the square for the pleasure of quilting muse.